Genuine, handmade Panama hats
direct from Montecristi Ecuador
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DHL Fast Delivery Worldwide
We now offer DHL fast delivery wordwide! Receive your Panama Hat in as little as 4 days!
Shop NowWe Save You Money
Panama Hats Direct has each hat handmade ourselves, right here in Montecristi, Ecuador. Save money by cutting out the middle man and purchasing directly from the source.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Don't worry- if you're not completely satisfied with your Panama hat, you can return it for a replacement, if available. Check out our 100% satisfaction guaranteed policy.
Trusted Service
Panama Hats Direct has been in business for 25 years and we have customers all over the world that can attest to our impeccable reputation and customer service. Listen to what our customers have to say.
Don't know where to start?
You can either custom design your own hat, or choose one from our existing inventory. If you're unsure of your hat size, you can print our measuring tool to find out right now!
Custom Design Your Own Panama Hat
With our new online design tool, you can custom design your very own Panama hat exactly how you like it!
Yes, it's a new website, but don't worry- we're still the same owners of Panama Hats Direct. We created this new website to be more mobile and user friendly, and we hope you enjoy your visit.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.